With online business ideas, how is it possible to turn your customers into raving fans?
Hi I’m Anthony and here at Carfile Systems, we concentrate on providing services to enhance small businesses with online business success…
In previous posts, I discussed some key points that are essential to online business success these include topics you need to be aware of, even before starting a business…
If you haven’t seen them, I’ll link that here and encourage you to check it out
This post will focus on…
after you’ve managed to grab your desired customers attention and potentially make some sales, how can you turn them into raving fans?
Having you spoken briefly before about using stories in your sales message…
something to consider is sharing parts of your life and backstory in your sales message – let me explain this a little more…
People may be introduced to you because they need a problem solved
but the reason they stick around and hopefully invest more with you is because of their relationship with you…
to give you an example…
these parts that you choose to include could be how you came to be in the situation you are now
this provides a clear picture to your customer that you really understand where they are now
and allows them to relate and understand the journey ahead…
think also about including problems that you’ve experienced over time
this not only shows the hardship that you’ve faced but it also shows how you’ve overcome it, proving your credentials to your customer…
lastly, don’t be afraid to share your opinions on particular topics, even if they are radical
customers are keen to align with individuals who share their beliefs and opinions
so by excluding them, you risk missing out on connections that could have been formed it is important to weave parts of you into your sales message…
this provides you with an opportunity to discuss people’s false understandings of topics (because you may have had these)
and can then introduce the customer to new concepts that can improve their current situation
So to recap, after you have your desired customers attention
you should focus on building a relationship with them by sharing parts of your backstory
this allows them to resonate with you so that they can move along the customer journey and continue to receive more value from you
so these are just some of the methods that you can use to help turn your customers into raving fans, but are you aware of your number one mistake when it comes to online business ideas?
well I’ve created a free quiz, that will take into account your situation and provide you with a tailored result
to take this free quiz – click the button below: