Follow along as we read and then discuss the Dotcom Secrets book, chapter by chapter…
Today on Dotcom Secrets we’re going to be discussing the fourth secret which is The Attractive Character
Follow along as we read and then discuss the Dotcom Secrets book, chapter by chapter…
Today on Dotcom Secrets we’re going to be discussing the fourth secret which is The Attractive Character
Today on Dotcom Secrets we’re going to be discussing the third secret which is The Value Ladder
Follow along as we read and then discuss the Dotcom Secrets book, chapter by chapter…
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so today on Dotcom Secrets we’re going to be discussing the second secret which is Hook, Story, Offer
Hi I’m Rodney and I’m Anthony
join us on our journey as we discuss the secrets in Dotcom Secrets, chapter by chapter
often when being presented with a new concept it can be a little bit daunting so
I thought it would be helpful once we’ve read the chapter that we’re going to discuss it and hopefully
that will give you some insights on our previous experiences and how you can apply that to your own business
so as you would have seen in this chapter and this about the secret that it is hook, story, offer but
you don’t actually do it in that order you actually start with the offer first…
and it’s interesting to read you know about
how you can turn your you know product into an offer
in the last company that we worked at we had a price list and we had all the products listed on there
and often we would be asked about this one item and we tell them about it, which is the start kit
which included the training and all the products you need to begin with the company
but people just wanted to buy the products uh separately and we said
that they would buy the training and the product separately, but we said it would cost them more
and then it got me thinking on that one where
in all of the adverts, because we didn’t control the advertising that was made for that
it was all done by the head office so
and I noticed that on that on the advertising that none of it listed
what the offer was it just had the product and it had the price
so it never showed what it encompassed
so I remember going through you know with you listing all the products listing the training
you know finding out what is the actual deal and then spelling it out
you know in so many words of like saying so to turned it from just being the product
you know as a commodity
to it being the offer so people could actually see what it is that they actually got, the saving
that they got and then they as part of that
and literally just by doing that
and changing the advert the advertisement that was that was put in
I noticed a change straight away because then the people that would call
rather than saying ‘oh I wanted to buy this and then this’
or you know buying it separately when we said you know it makes no sense to do it this way, you get the offer
they got that straight away, so I did – that was the first example that came to my mind when we were doing that
you know just by simply listing it, I’m sure there’s companies out there that might have they know that they’ve got offers that they are doing already, but it may not be spelled out in so many words to the to a new customer
and me as a real example just doing that it did work
well the whole the office story is all about uh generating or explaining the value in the whole deal
rather than just the items or the prices of the items
as well as the value of the total thing
and what they’re getting whereas if they just look at a product that’s purely by price comparison
and not doing by price it’s not really then you become non-competitive again
it’s like Dan Kennedy said ‘there’s no strategic advantage of being second lowest price in the in the market’
but there is a strategic benefit of being the most expensive
hmm, it was interested that
So I found it really helpful from when reading in this chapter
when he was saying like taking either a whiteboard or list and like listing down basically everything that you can add
to that product to make it an offer
and could be literally everything because I’m sure that every company knows
this things that they can offer to make it enticing
and I did find that helpful you know, looking at them and seeing what they might be interested to buy
and compiling that and I remember that
we had and if we can use that example again because it just it just applies
the starter kit for this company it was
it was an entry offer that we offered to people coming into it and we had
we used to exhibit at beauty shows and we had that kit was on offer there
and and it was discounted again, so like there was a there was a show discount, I’m sure you remember this and it was actually your idea, I don’t know if you remember this, it was saying like what if they’re going to go to a show, they’re going to be presented with many companies
and they’re going to be like comparing you know everyone the same
and we get inquiries before the show and they would often say
and people would seem to hold on, you know so we would kind of lose sales a week or two before the show
because people were holding on to go to the show and then get the offer but then you were saying they might go there
wanting to get the offer but then get distracted or you know persuaded by another company so what could we do
to entice them beforehand and so we did you know just our little business the one side, we did a pre-show offer
I don’t know if you remember and we thought what can we add
and so it’s coming back to you now
so we as part of it
we had all these things included in the kit that would make their business better
but we knew there were more things that once they trained
would make their life easier that they would need after that they would that they would
use to get clients and and secure clients was these colour sticks
so it was basically a selection of the of all the colours that we sold and they could then choose it
or know exactly what it looks like before having to invest in the color so they could get consensus
and we decided to offer that so we took the cut we took the hit on that basically by offering that that high value thing into the kit beforehand and so that you know if you put now before the show you could get this extra offer
I do remember, that was quite a good deal I think
and that did work really well I remember and we also had these extra colours
that we added in so, we did we made it like so good right so anyone calling they were like
well why would I wait for the show, I might as well get it now
and then so we were able to book
yeah hence the whole thing about adding value to the offer
the other thing I we have to which I’ve picked up from what you said is that
the value you add, all the things around the product the value must be
relative to what the product is it must enhance the product that you’re selling
it mustn’t be just a random product or random bonuses or random add-ons
it must be something to solve another problem
because whenever you give them something that also sometimes creates another problem
so you put your components within the whole offer must be complementary and assisting each other
so another next section is the ‘story’ selling
and we understand from it this is it’s a story that increases the perceived value of what we have to offer
I’m sure there were I’m trying to recall what we did – I remember speaking to many customers on the phone
or sorry, potential leads on the phone and advising them of what they could do with the system
I guess there were stories of how they set up stories of relatability that they’re
is it possibly, like whether it was right for them?
like with it because there were some people that were home therapists and there were some people that were working in salons
and I guess the home therapist came in thinking that they were complete beginners and it wouldn’t be something that they could accomplish where we would advise them I guess the majority of people that we used to deal with were actually home therapists
and that it was a viable thing so I guess in that sense the stories did enhance the package in a sense for them because they could see that it was something that they could do
maybe this is a thought a lot of the people in the marketplace we were selling to technicians or people who want to be trained technicians who normally worked in salons however some people wanted to break away and not realising what they needed to go and hence the reason why we gave them a totally encompassing offer from training and the product so they would not have to think because most salons had product and components and tools around them
so this way we would allow people we would give people the whole starter package from a to z
to do the whole home therapy thing and people prefer to to work from home well people were
starting to find it um
appealing to work from home, which they could work around their time rather than work around the salon time
in other words they could work weekends they wouldn’t have to ask people to open up shops and open up the
salons etc – so they could really tailor their business around them and also they could also work their business
in mornings and or afternoons depending on their child care situation or children at school
so the beauty of of the whole system was that people could get involved in in our product or the product range or the the disciple this direction is because they could um tailor it around the their lifestyle
and add and increment um their income according to the the situations
so the final section of the hook, story, offer which is the first
the first part now which we actually do at the end
and it’s the ‘hook’ and we know it’s the hook that grabs the attention for your story
and I find it funny that he said in that you know that he never really knows which ones are going to grab
the market’s attention, which is why it’s important to keep testing
and so I guess again from our previous history and business that we did was
what was the hook that got people into the system that we were selling and it was a different type of product it was a premium product
it was like a you know it was
a softer I guess healthier alternative product, without mentioning exactly what it was
and i guess that was the hook of what got people in it wasn’t
it wasn’t just a generic quick product, it was trying to make you know set itself aside
and push it as a premium offer, so I guess that was the hook, whether that hook was the best hook?
I don’t know and I guess we probably should’ve tested it more
but yeah on that it’s just a case of hooks and it’s it’s interesting to see different you know what is the thing that grabs and I guess that’s something we are still practicing with as well, like what
ads that we run and what things that we do
to get people to just stop scrolling basically and then listen for a few moments
about the story and then see if they’re interested
but I guess until they stop
because you hear now that the the the attention span is six seconds on social
so if you don’t catch them in the beginning, you’ve lost them
it’s quite difficult to put a long message in there so it has to be almost a an interrupt
as against to a message
so the hook is probably the most important
I guess well I mean yeah if you can’t grab them you can’t sell them anything um I guess that’s something that we still yeah, like I said we still need to practice about I think our market changes when we realised that they were we were offering them a
an ability to generate an income or give them growth or teach them to become independent little businesses that’s where i think our system started to grow in those days
it wasn’t just a product because it’s a product versus product it’s not that
it was the training and everything else that made them
into small businesses something we were educating to become small little ecosystems of their own
and independence that would be the hook…could have been the hook
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