With Online Business Ideas – you may think you have a great one – but are you doomed to fail?
Hi I’m Anthony and here at Carfile Systems
we concentrate on providing services to enhance small businesses with online business success
in previous videos I spoke about knowing important information, before you start any business idea
this was understanding
who you want to serve as a customer
having an idea where they might be gathering
and then
what end result you want to offer them
I then went on to discussing the three secret ways in which you would grab your customers attention sell them on the benefits and then convince them to invest
this video focuses on
if you have managed to make a sale – what to do next
if you don’t know what I’m about to share with you,
then you are doomed to fail…
mapping out your customer journey is very important and acts almost like your business plan
as an example, if you’d walk up to your potential customer in the street
and offer them the best most expensive product immediately, it’s likely they would say no
why would they say no?
they’ve only just met you and have not yet received any value from you
no trust or relationship has been established yet
at the start of the customer journey…
think about any expensive product that you may own now
you didn’t just hear about it for the first time and then buy it straight away
jumping straight in the deep end is most unlikely
it’s likely that you would expect some sort of value from another entry offer from that company
basically dipping your toe in before you go all in
something that would have been an easy decision to make
once you’ve experienced this value it is natural that you would want more
and therefore look for other ways in which this company could offer you something else
it is the same with online business ideas,
considering this customer journey is essential to success
as the customer first starts out on the journey and progresses, they receive more value from you and in turn are happy to spend more with you, for this increased value
you might be trying to consider how this factors into your online business idea
you might even believe that you have this all mapped out, but it’s likely that you only have part of the journey
have you really used all your knowledge in your particular field of expertise and provided this value to your customer?
does your customer begin with your company at a certain level of knowledge and if so what happens to the customer who don’t have this knowledge? Are they catered to?
do you have interesting front-end offers that allow customer to naturally ascent and purchase more from you?
the same occurs at the other end
there will be a portion of your audience that wants more and will pay a premium for it
so to recap…
considering the customer journey is very important when it comes to actually having business success online
if there are no offers before or off to the core product
it is likely that you are just selling a product and don’t really have a business (and are doomed to fail)
exploring ways to provide offers is a process
but do you know your number one mistake you’re currently making with online business ideas
well, I have created a free 60-second quiz
that will take into account your situation and provide you with a tailored result
to access this free quiz, simply click the link below